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92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses
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Data are stored for the duration of the Conference and for ten (10) years for legal archive. According to legal texts specified above, IRSN may on its own decision or upon request of the Participant itself, complete, modify, suppress or erase personal data which would remain false, uncomplete or out of date.
The above mentioned personal data treatments are registered on the IRSN personal data treatment register,hold by IRSN’s data protection officer, according to the European Regulation 2016/679 dated April 27, 2016 and to the French law n°2018-493 June 20, 2018 modifying the French Law n°78-17 January 6, 1978 and 2004-801, August 6, 2004.
The Abbey of Saint Victor : RnDmS
Notre Dame de la Garde :
1: Rayyân BEN RAHMA
2: Kaja Sariwating
3: Kaja Sariwating
Vieux Port : Elisa Schmidt
Palais Longchamp : 1 & 2 : ENES RK
Calanques :
1: Andrea
2: Kaja Sariwating
3: Kevin Bessat
Mucem : 1, 2 & 3 : Baptiste Buisson