To encourage young scientists to participate in the conference a young investigators award program has been established in association with the conference.
A travel award of 1500 EURO and a certificate will be granted to four chosen young investigators submitting high quality manuscripts within the scope of the ICRER conference.
Manuscript submitting authors should be early career researchers, aged 35 or under on the opening date of the Conference.
Following documents should be submitted via email mail to by 31 March 2024:
- An original first-authored research manuscript (seven-page limit), presenting work done under the supervision of senior researcher(s), that falls within the conference scope and given thematic areas. Common standards for scientific publications should be applied in manuscripts considered for award (e.g., standard scientific style, sections including abstract, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion).
- Documentation showing that the author submitting the manuscript is either currently enrolled as a student, or has completed a PhD within the last five years.
Selection will be based on scientific quality of the manuscript. Each manuscript will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- The paper advances the state of knowledge in an area of science promoted at the conference;
- The research idea is innovative and has interdisciplinary implications;
- The study design is of high quality;
- The discussion section is clear;
- The conclusions are well supported by the data presented.
EURADOS has decided to support one Young Scientists to participate in the ICRER conference. The participants can apply for the EURADOS Young Scientist Conference Support 2024 (YSCS). The YSCS will consist of a sum of up to 500 € to contribute covering either the conference fee and/or the travel and/or subsistence costs, up to the applicant’s choice and following the EURADOS reimbursement rules.
More information can be found on EURADOS website.
The candidate must be: ·
- under 35 years old on the date of the conference, or
- a PhD student at the conference time, or
- within 8 years since graduation or PhD completion of the candidate at the time of the conference.
Following documents written in English should be submitted via email mail to and by 31 July 2024:
- Application form (Application_form_YSCS.pdf (
- Abstract submitted to the conference
- Proof of acceptance with an indication of whether oral or poster
- A short description (max 1 page) of the research context and the link to the activities of EURADOS WG/Pilot Group and/or to the EURADOS SRA
- A short CV of the candidate (max 2 pages)
- A letter of support of the EURADOS WG Chair(s)/ Pilot Group, optional but strongly recommended (without a letter a candidate loses some points in the evaluation process).
Selection will be based on scientific quality of the manuscript. Each manuscript will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- A Selection Committee (SC) consisting of members of the EURADOS Council and/or WG Chairs (if there is no conflict of interests, that means if the work is within WG, the Chair of this group is excluded from the evaluation process) will assess the proposals and will make its recommendation as to a ranking of recipients(s) of the YSCS. The SC may ask for supplementary information if needed. The EURADOS Council takes the final decision about the shortlisting.
- The selected candidates will be notified by e-mail, at least 1 month before the conference.
- The EURADOS office will then email the winners to provide administrative instructions.
- The winner of the YSCS is required to mention EURADOS support at the conference either during the oral presentation or reporting it on the posters.