Abstract submission is opening on January 15, 2024. Abstracts may be submitted until April 15, 2024. Abstracts submitted after this date will not be considered.
Please read the following paragraphs carefully before proceeding to the submission.
All abstracts must be submitted via the online form on the official website, after successfully creating your account through the "registration" section. Abstracts sent by e-mail will NOT be accepted.
Presentations type can be either an oral presentation (15 minutes presentation, not including discussion) or a poster.
To be included in the final conference programme, each accepted presentation will have to be accompanied by a completed registration form and its associated payment by the presenting author (1 accepted presentation per registered participant).
Authors will be notified for the acceptance/rejection of their contribution by July 08, 2024.
All communication subsequent to the submission of your abstract, including acceptance notifications and any additional information, will be directed to both the corresponding author and the individual who submitted the abstract.
Authors must carefully follow all instructions below.
To begin, start with the creation of an author list by adding as many authors as you wish in the “Add an Author” section.
Next, create a draft abstract by filling in the “Add an Abstract” section.
As long as the abstract is not submitted (draft mode), you can modify it as much as you want. Note that no modification is allowed as soon as you submit the abstract.
Indicate your preferred presentation option (oral or poster) and the scientific session in which you wish to give your presentation.
Select the authors of your abstract (among those created before), rearrange the list of authors using your mouse and specify the corresponding and presenting authors (it can be the same person).
Once the abstract is submitted, both the declared corresponding author and the one who has done the submission will receive a confirmation email which includes the number assigned to your abstract. Please keep this number in your records for further reference.
- Abstracts must not exceed 5000 characters including pictures (which have to measure 250 x 250 pixels max) and tables. The number of images and tables is limited to a maximum of 4. If you want to add equations, you need to insert them in image format.
- References should be cited as below:
- Smedley P., Nicolli H.B., Barros A.J., Tullio J.O. 1998. Origin and mobility of arsenic in groundwater from the Pampean Plain, Argentina. In: Arehart, G.B., Hulston, J.R. (Eds.) Water-Rock Interaction. A.A. Balkema Rotterdam. pp. 275-278.
- Freeze R.A., Cherry J.A. 1979. Groundwater. Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliff, NJ. 604p.
- Ma Y.B., Uren N.C. 1997 The fate and transformations of zinc added to soils. Aust. J. Soil Res. 35:727-738.
The final selection of presentations (oral and posters) and their assignment to scientific sessions will be done by the scientific committee upon abstract review. Due to the limited number of time slots for oral presentations, you may be assigned a poster presentation, although you applied for an oral presentation.